Children & Youth
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry encompasses youth from 6th grade through young adults. The major components of our Youth Ministry are Bible classes, service projects, mission trips, Small Groups and special outreach events. St Mark wants youth to have fun experiencing the love of Christ and leave with a desire to reach out to others!
6th Grade Confirmation Class
Junior Confirmation for sixth graders consists of a one-year review of the Bible and it’s major stories. Students will learn about topics such as creation, the early Israelites, the prophets who foretold of Jesus, the birth of Jesus, the earthly ministry of Jesus, Jesus’ death and resurrection and the early church. The knowledge gained in this year will be the basis for 7th and 8th Grade Confirmation.
7th & 8th Grade Confirmation Class
Junior Confirmation for seventh and eighth graders is a public rite of the Lutheran church that is preceded by a two-year period of instruction (September-March). The purpose of the instruction is to help baptized Christians identify with the ministry and mission of the church. It is also a way for Christians to learn more about their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and to develop a more personal relationship with Him that will last a lifetime. Junior Confirmation should be viewed as a stepping-stone between the beginning of one’s faith, which begins for many at their baptism, and a lifetime of growing in that faith.
For more information contact the church office at 458-4343.